Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bacon Wrapped Turkey Fingers: Low Carb Holiday Treat

Here is another low carb appetizer to get you thru the holidays.  These are very good, but I skip the tabasco when I prefer something a little less spicey.  You can also get creative with spices.  Add what you like and enjoy.

Makes 16

1 lb turkey breast 

8 thin slices bacon
2 tablespoons Kraft Light Done Right ranch dressing

5 shakes Tabasco sauce
garlic powder
fresh cracked black pepper

Very simple appetizer for entertaining, Kimkins snacking or portable work lunches.

In a small dish mix ranch dressing with Tabasco and a couple shakes of pepper. Stir and pour into a Ziploc baggie, squeezing out all of the air and sealing.

Cut turkey into 16 narrow pieces of about the same size. Sprinkle with garlic powder, salt & pepper. Cut bacon strips in half lengthwise to make long narrow strips.

Snip the tip off of the Ziploc baggie and squeeze a narrow ribbon of salad dressing along the bacon strips. Take each bacon strip and wrap in a spiral around the turkey finger. May need to secure with a toothpick and remove after cooking.

In a nonstick skillet treated with cooking spray, place the turkey fingers. Spray with cooking spray and cook on medium, turning to cook evenly. Cook until bacon is crispy and turkey is done. Serve hot as is or with dip.

Tip: Make it quicker with precooked smoked turkey from the deli section and cook as above.

Calories: 49
Carbs: 0 gram
Protein: 8 grams
Fat: 1.5 gram

